Willow Farm update

13th October 2022

Nigel Eastment received the following, underwhelming, response from the officer responsible for the Willow Farm planning application.

He says - Seems to me all they have done so far is to admit that over the last 20 years they have not provided enough traveller pitches, maybe the new policy of putting them in every development is also not providing enough.

Also, as usual avoiding any response to specific questions - my query on the number of ‘Mobile Homes’ permitted on 4 pitches.


Dear Mr Eastment

Thank you for your email regarding the planning application at Willow Farm, Chobham Rd, and apologies I was unable to take your call yesterday.

In response to your questions, this application is still under consideration by the Local Planning Authority and it has not therefore been decided whether the proposed development is acceptable. Unfortunately due to considerable workload pressures within the Local Planning Authority we are not always able to determine applications within the initial timeframe, and this is one such application. I am unfortunately therefore unable to share any updates at this time.

I am aware of the letters received from local residents and will be reviewing these in due course, however unfortunately we are also not able to respond to individual letters.  When the decision is issued, this will be accompanied by a report setting out how the Local Planning Authority has assessed the application and a summary of the relevant considerations, including representations received from local residents. Once the decision is issued any local resident who has made a representation on the application will be written to inform them of the decision and where they can view the accompanying report. The decision will also be made public on our website at the following link, which you can also use to keep track of any progress on the application, including consultation responses and representations received.  https://docs.runnymede.gov.uk/PublicAccess_LIVE/SearchResult/RunThirdPartySearch?FileSystemId=PL&FOLDER1_REF=RU.22/0109

I hope this has helped answer your questions. I appreciate the delays are frustrating and we will endeavour to determine the application as soon as possible.

 Kind regards

 Adam Jackson - Principal Planning Officer - Runnymede Borough Council – 01932 425237



AGM Thursday 24th November 2022


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